One example of umami content is DevEd microsites – these are dedicated sites that teach a specific topic or concept and don't involve more than a few pages (but are packed with value).
Jeremy Thomas is the creator of Bulma, a free open-source CSS framework used by over 80,000 developers.
He's using education as marketing by creating value-packed microsites for the community:
These don't seem like marketing because it's education – and that's the point. Developers respond to this, they don't respond to sharketing.
What's fun is that you can be super creative with these microsites, like this tutorial that builds on itself at each step by changing the actual web page:
And ends with a call-to-action for Jeremy's e-book.
Does it work?
Just glancing at his e-book sales page:
Already downloaded 10,000+ times across 68 countries across 6 continents.
I'll say it does.
Have a lovely day,