One of the benefits of doing custom video for clients is that I can work with them directly to incorporate branding, visual design, and get SME review. After all, they're the experts in their product.

So... am I sending zip files around in Slack or attachments via email?

Um no, I'd lose my mind.

What you want is some way to easily manage the videos you're making and then invite people to provide comments that are timestamped and ideally be able to move videos through a workflow.

That's exactly what Frame by Adobe does and it's what I use with my clients:

What I like about it is that it's simple. You can even version clips by just dragging the new MP4 video on top of an existing one.

Not only that, the comments are timecoded and threaded making it easy to triage and work through them.

You can add annotations, those orange boxes, around areas of the video.

These are the kinds of features you want in a video workflow so if part of your community efforts involves video content creation, you'll definitely want to use something like Frame to speed up your workflow, get people on the same page, and catch issues before they reach developers in production.

Have a lovely weekend,

Getting reviews and feedback on your videos without the headaches

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Hi 👋 I'm Kamran. I'm a consulting developer educator who can help your DevRel team increase adoption with better docs, samples, and courseware.
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