When you're cooking, recipes assume you have prerequisite knowledge – they don't explain every little technique ("Put it in the broiler for 5 minutes" vs. "Put in the broiler, which is a mode your oven can go into that heats food with a flame at very high temperatures.").

In whatever education you're making, there is always prerequisite knowledge to consider. In order to learn this topic, what does someone need to know first? (And on, and on).

If you don't articulate learner prerequisites in your DevEd and list the assumptions, your content might:

  • Assume someone knows something they don't
  • Assume someone doesn't know something they do
  • Sequence learning incorrectly
  • Mix different levels of content
  • Target the wrong person

These all introduce learning friction.

Friction can cause boredom or confusion, which can cause them to bounce.

That means, no leads.

Have a lovely day,

What are you assuming about your learner?

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Hi 👋 I'm Kamran. I'm a consulting developer educator who can help your DevRel team increase adoption with better docs, samples, and courseware.
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