First, quickly: I'm offering to review OSS project/product pages for copy/messaging. Normally this is called a teardown but we're all about love around here so obvs I'm calling it a lovedown.

Here's how it works: I spend about 20 minutes and give my fresh take on your messaging – this means, little to no context, no back and forth, no prep. Just... stream of consciousness so you can get inside the head of someone who's viewing your page for the first time.  My goal is to help you craft more effective messaging so more people try your project!

As a member, you can also chime in yourself in the comments section!

Having been on the receiving end of teardowns before, I find them super helpful so I thought I'd offer it as a free community service for members of the list and as an exercise for me to continuously improve. The caveat is that you have to wait and they're public (unlisted, but available to members). To start out, I'll be batching them every Friday and will see how it goes.

Without further ado, here is the first lovedown requested by my good friend IRL, Erik. It's for his FOSS project, Excalibur.js, an open-source 2D web-based game engine.


If you made it this far, you're a lovely person!

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First "lovedown" for Excalibur.js, the open-source game engine

My first "lovedown" (teardown). A new community service where I offer 20 mins of recorded feedback on your messaging/copy for dev projects/products. Batched every Friday, for free. This is for Erik, maintainer of Excalibur.js.

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Hi 👋 I'm Kamran. I'm a consulting developer educator who can help your DevRel team increase adoption with better docs, samples, and courseware.
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